Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The View from the Edge...

See, it's funny because I live on Edgeview Drive.

I've been lucky enough to be working on a lot of art lately. That's mostly due to the fact that I am unemployed, but so long as I do something to pursue employment opportunities during the week, I give myself plenty of liberty to do whatever I want the rest of the time. Right now a lot of my projects have been focused around calligraphy. I'm working on a recipe and accompanying illustration (think Moosewood Cookbook, times a million) for my beloved Cincinnati Chili, as well as making labels for the herbs and spices that are stored in various re-purposed glass jars at my boyfriend's. It is currently impossible (or nearly so) to tell the difference between oregano and basil, paprika and cayenne. So I have been commissioned to go to town and design the most awesome labels possible. I've been having way too much fun with that, and the labels for each of the fourteen different herbs/spices have been rewritten at least three times. I will post in-the-works pictures at some point today, I hope.

Soon I'll be starting on another project for a wall (a very large, very blank wall) at Mr. Boyfriend's as well (oh, let's just call him by his name: Bart :) I'm always so paranoid about keeping everything anonymous). It will be what I like to call a "crayoning", basically, a crayon drawing. And then we'll be able to use one of the giant frames my housemate rescued from work to make it look like real art, and hang it above the fireplace so that Bart and his housemates look like really civilized gents (which they are!). No matter that the drawing will be in crayon; anything can look like "high art" when you stick it in a big black frame, behind glass, and put it above a fireplace!

Picture time, fun with layout (for the lose).


Bart said...

But, having unlabeled spices makes me feel like I'm living on the edge...

Molly said...

I shall have to visit sometime soon and see these labels.

Also, I like the Moosewood Cookbook and I give myself five points for knowing what it is and having cooked recipes from it in the recent past.

Nick Oegema said...

unlabeled spices are on the edge?

huh, I guess I've fallen off the cliff...

anywho... vewwy pwetty drawrings n such :)